In the twenty-first century, there are many funny porn facts, we live in an open-minded society. Everything is allowed, sex is just for fun, and you can literally find everything on the internet. The whole web space has been guided by our need for sexual satisfaction, and the queen of it all is the x-rated content! Everybody watches porn and enjoys trying what they see in the videos on adult websites! I did a research and what I found was very curious. Here are my top fun facts about porn and its whole industry that will shock you, but you really want to know them!
1. First Funny Fact: Most Frequent Porn Audience Is…
Everybody indeed loves spicy stuff, and it brings some very specific satisfaction to its audience. This made me think of who watches pornography the most. It turns out that most users start their browsing in their early teenage years, which, for me at least, was no surprise. People in their twenties tend to be the most users of adult content on the web, whereas the least attracted are the people in their retirement age. I really believed that as time passes, people have the need to watch more and more sexual content, but here are the statistics…I am shocked. What about you?
2. What Is The Average Length Of A Video
Most videos, created by the high-end studios, tend to be with the length of a short movie- about an hour. This, however, turns out to be unnecessary. According to statistical research, most people open a sex clip and then close the clip and the whole site in seven to thirteen minutes. What does this say to you? Fifteen minutes are enough for a video…as well as for cumshot!
3. Is It A Little Workout
Just like having real sex, watching x-rated content fastens our heartbeat, and we are doing some movement, and we breathe… Despite the very little intensity of action, these things are considered enough for our bodies to burn between five and ten calories per minute while masturbating. Let’s do a little maths! If we masturbate for about fifteen minutes, we can burn up to a hundred and fifty calories! This is almost equal to the activity of running!
4. Sex Competition
Did statistics help me again to find an answer to my question? Who watches more adult videos? Men or women? It turns out that the male audience is about seventy percent, and women account for about thirty percent. How do you like this, man? Thirty percent is for women…those who claim for never putting a clip on! Liers!
5. Does Porn Addiction Exists
Sexual psychologists claim that there is a thing called “porn addiction,” which concerns the thought of pornography ruling your daily life. Then, how do we know if we have it? Sexual experts claim that if you watch adult videos every day and need more than ten videos with more than ten orgasms, this is surely a signal that you have a certain type of problem.
6. Does Porn Affect Your Libido
It does! It is scientifically proven that in this case, the saying “With eating comes the appetite.” is true! Of course, there are cases when abusing the internet x-rated content has the opposite effect. But they are not that many to really signify a thing!
7. Watching porn = Bette sex life
There is a thesis that has been floating around in the last ten years. It claims that watching pornography has a positive effect on your intimate experiences. Experts agree with this and state that masturbation is really the key to get to know your body and what drives you crazy. Understanding your needs on their own turns out to be pretty helpful when enjoying sex with a partner.
8. Porn Improves Our Confidence
American psychologists state that masturbating and reaching climax alone improves your self-image and, therefore, your self-esteem and confidence, not only in bed but generally in life. This effect we owe to the hormone of happiness and hormone of love which are emitted when we orgasm and change our perception! Science!
9. Is Porn Therapeutic
Yes! As I already mentioned, the hormone of happiness is emitted with every single orgasm. This has been a proven fact in the last thirty years. There are people with different forms of depression masturbation and visual representatives of intimacy. Psychologists nowadays recommend them a real natural medication because this can change their biochemistry of the brain! Again, Science!
10. Funny Porn Money Fact
Can you guess how much money does the porn industry makes? Take into account these statistics! Every third search on the internet is about adult content. About ten percent of the emails sent every single day has x-rated content. There are about forty-two websites and three hundred and seventy million pages of adult videos and photos. Every second, there are about thirty million users who are watching porn.
Here comes the truth about the industry! What is earned from the industry is more than what is earned from sports and shows on the screen COMBINED! It makes more money than the video game industry! And this one is shocking: It makes more money than Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, Amazon, eBay, and Netflix COMBINED! It is surely impressive that this that brings so much pleasure to almost everybody on the planet also brings so much money!
Pornography is a great thing, and we do not miss a moment when we can enjoy it! Surprisingly, besides the pleasure it delivers, it turns out that it has very positive effects on our physical and mental health! It is not that hard to get addicted! That’s why I’ve provided those funny porn facts specially for you
The post Interesting And Funny Porn Facts You Didn’t Know appeared first on vPorn blog.
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